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Get Free Adobe ColdFusion 9 and Adobe Flex Builder 3 (Pro n Stnd) (Save $1550) [UpDated]


Almost 10 months ago, I shared how you can Get Free Adobe® Flex™ Builder 3 (Pro n Stnd) n Adobe® ColdFusion™ 8. And now you have the chance to Get Free the latest Adobe ColdFusion 9 Standard Edition which costs $1299 as well as Adobe Flex Builder 3 (Professional and Standard)which costs $249. This means you can save almost $1550. This is really a very big deal. This promotion is for all the countries in the world.
There are some conditions which you have to follow in order to obtain your free licenses for Flex Builder 3 and ColdFusion 9. Anybody can obtain Flex Builder 3 but to obtain ColdFusion 9, you must be a student, faculty or staff member of an educational institute.
Adobe Flex Builder 3 Professional Edition is for students, staff and faculty members of an educational institute and Flex Builder 3 Standard Edition is for unemployed person. Adobe ColdFusion 9 Standard Edition is just for students, staff and faculty members of an educational institute.
But you know, these conditions can be bypassed. For example, to obtain Adobe® Flex™ Builder 3 Standard Edition, there is no check whether you are an unemployed person or not. You simply request a license and within 24 hours, you get one. And the same way you are a student, staff and faculty members of an educational institute or not, you just need a prove, which you will upload to request a free license of ColdFusion 9 Professional Edition, that you belong to this category and you will receive your license within 24 hours. How to produce your identity for ColdFusion 9 Professional Edition, you know it better.
The conditions to obtain ColdFusion 9 Standard Edition license:
   1. your student ID showing current enrollment, or
2. your faculty ID showing current employment, or
3. your non-faculty employee ID showing current employment, or
4. a letter on an educational institution letterhead stating that you are either a current student, a current faculty member or a current non-faculty employee of the institution.
You need to upload any of these proofs.
Get Free:
1: Open the following webpage into your browser and select the product for which you are eligible to obtain your free license.
(URL copy n paste)
[Image Deleted]
2: After selecting your product, you will be redirected to a new webpage to accept Terms and Conditions. Accepting Terms and Conditions will make you eligible to go to application form. Application form is in English, so there should not be any problem for you fill it.
3: After submitting the application form, you will be told that the license will be emailed you within 7 days but they take just 24 hours to email your license to you. Below is an email snap P2 which I received from Adobe which contains  Adobe® Flex™ Builder 3 Standard Edition license.
[Image Deleted]
Enjoy it now.


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